Two rooms are dedicated to the card games. For more information please contact our office


Il Tennis Club Milano Bonacossa organizza tornei di Burraco su 3 turni da 4 con cadenza costante nel corso dell’anno.

Si accettano iscrizioni solo con coppie già formate con la possibilità di partecipare assieme ad un non socio.
For information about tournaments plese contact our office


The episode is well-known. In 1933, two American journalists, John Kieran and Allison Danzig, needing to underline the extraordinary talent of the Australian tennis player Jack Crawford, that, after winning the championships in his own country, Roland Garros and Wimbledon, had reached the finals of Forest Hills, wanted to use an expression from Bridge jargon and compared his possible victory to a real and true “grand slam”. Crawford, playing against a brilliant Fred Perry, did not win in the end, but the phrase stuck. And thus a phrase destined to take root in the language of enthusiasts was coined.

This is, without a doubt, the most important testimony regarding the close relationship between the world of the racket and that of the sophisticated card game, codified by the American Culbertson and spread across the world starting during the last century. A union witnessed by the fact that, since their origins, card tables have always found a place in tennis clubs and many players, after putting down their racket, don’t mind picking up the famous thirteen cards.

The TCMilano A.Bonacossa is no exception. From the first years of the XX° century, card playing, renewing the English tradition, lives alongside playing tennis. Before the Second World War, there were even “bridge” tournaments organized – bridge in the home version – but it was at the beginning of the 60s, within a club that had abundantly surpassed half a century of existence as one of the most important sports locations in Milan, that bridge, after the first few spontaneous events, was structured into a “Bridge Section”, which for several years has been regularly affiliated with the F.I.G.B..

Thus started that which for many lovers of the game are enjoyable and irreplaceable habits: Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening tournaments. Tournaments played with the approval of the F.I.G.B. and in which all members can play.

If the spirit of the game is normally good, it is a warlike spirit and determination that animates many players. The most ambitious, in the past, had the competency and experience of the top player in Italy, Franco Di Stefano, at their disposition for a series of specialization courses. And, speaking of the “training” sector, we should not the initiative started some years ago and repeated several times in the years following: the promotion of a real school to teach young people interested in learning how to play.

(Partially and freely taken from “Un giorno cent’anni - Un Club e la storia del tennis in Italia” by E. Campana).